DG skin REJU is an updated family of beauty products for professional skin care produced by I.R.A. Istituto Ricerche Applicate S.p.A, Milan, Italy.

The family is represented by two products: DG skin REJU LIGHT for moisturizing and saturation with structural components for thin skin and sensitive zones such as periorbital zone, eyelid zone, think skin of neck and low-neck zone and DG skin REJU REBORN for deep moisturizing of withering skin, stimulation of rejuvenation and regeneration processes, generation of elastin and collagen, and hyaluronic acid.

Viscous product with prolonged moisturizing, lifting and efficient stimulation of fibroblasts.
A product with high moisturizing properties and powerful anti-oxidant activity.

Indicated for improvement of skin tone, level of skin hydration, and stimulation of hair growth on the hairy part of the head. For the face zone, periorbital region and eyelid zone, low-neck zone: uneven skin tone; loss of elasticity, wrinkles; dehydrated skin; anti-stress prevention of skin withering.
Hyaluronic acid 1.2mDA - 1%, L-arginine, L-lysine, isoleucine, leucine, threonine, valine, histidine, glutamine, tyrosine, asparagine, phenylalanine, serine, cysteine, glycine, methionine, tryptophan, inositol, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine, folic acid, thiamine, niacinamide, riboflavin.
Prolongs skin hydration; maintains the acid-base balance; protects epithelial cells against free radicals; stimulates functional activity of fibroblast.
Antihypoxant; antioxidant; has a powerful hydrating effect; stimulates the functional activity of fibroblasts; angioprotector; regenerant.
Indicated to suppress skin aging and wrinkles and prolonged skin moistening and lifting.
For the face, neck, low-neck zone.
Gravitation ptosis of soft tissues; couperosis, hyperpigmentation; loss of elasticity, wrinkles; heavily dehydrated skin; age-related skin changes; preparatory and restorative stages of plastic surgeries.
Hyaluronic acid combination 2.4 and 4.0 mDA - 1.5%, carnosine, nucleotides: guanine, adenine, cytosine, thymine; trehalose, glutathione, tranexamic acid, amino acid cluster, copper-1 peptide.
Neocollagenesis stimulation
Improved skin trophism
Derm restructurization
Rhytide effacement
Skin tone normalization
Anti-oxidant derm protection
Intensive and long-term moisturizing of all skin layers
Individual intolerability of product components
Quincke's edema in medical background
Acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases
Tendency to form cicatricial keloids
Дерматозы в стадии обострения
Mimic and static wrinkles
Hyperpigmentation, dim and uneven face color
Reduced tissue tension and skin tone
Loss of face oval outlines

Small-wrinkle and tired chronotype of aging
DG skin REJU are highly efficient complex agents for correction of age-related skin changes (LIGHT and REBORN)